We Believe Apostles and Prophets where chosen as the foundation leaders of the church by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, according to Matthew 10:2, Acts 1:24-26,*9 and Ephesians 2:20
We Believe In all 5 gifts God gave to perfect his church, Ephesians 4:11-12 and every word written in the holy bible
We Believe All true Apostles have seen Jesus Christ of Nazareth in a supernatural way Acts 9, Corinthians 15:8, operates in miracles signs & wonders Acts 2:43, 5:12 with the ability to raise the dead *Acts 9:36- 41
We Believe The holy spirit completes salvation John 14:26, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4 along with the water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Acts 2:37-38
We Believe in one God Mk:12:29, I Corinthians 8:6, Who is the Father of Creation, Genesis 1:1, The Son of Redemption St John 11:25 and The holy ghost Acts 2:1-4
We Believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Mt 1:18 and Mary his mother
We Believe In Christ their’s nether male nor female Gal 3:28 and God is no respect of persons, James 2:9
We Believe In the unity of the Apostles, Acts 2:42 The body of Christ, Rom 12:5 & Eternal Life, Rev 22
The Original Apostles Creed, Discovered-1200 AD
I believe in God the father almighty *Peter
And In Jesus Christ of Nazareth *Andrew
Was Conceived of the Holy Ghost *James
Suffered under Pontius Pilate *John
He descended into hell *Phillip)
He ascended into heaven *James the Less
From which he shall come again *Thomas
I believe in the Holy Ghost *Bartholomew
In the Holy Universal Church *Matthew
In the Remission of sins *Simon
In the resurrectionem *Jude
And in Life Everlasting *Matthias
Added was Apostle Pauls Creed, And I now live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me Gal,2:20
This creed given to his chosen servant Apostle Dr. Nina Hall in 1998, by the holy spirit and is the mandate of restoring the gift of Apostleship back into the christain church, For the return of Christ,
*He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly, Amen Even so, come, Lord Jesus, Revelation 22:20