Uniting Apostles Globally Since 1991*
Apostle Dr. Nina Hall, Founder & Presiding Apostle
Greetings, In The Name Of: Jesus Christ of Nazareth:
What a blessing to share the Historical God given vision of:Apostles Worldwide Fellowship an end time Global Fellowship for true Apostles chosen by Jesus Christ of Nazareth and not man for the purpose of Restoring Revitalizing and Resurrecting the GIFT of Apostleship back into it's rightful place in the church with Acceptance Dignity and Respect after being dormant almost 2,000 years..
In 60 A.D the GIFT went underground to avoid persecution and all Apostles suffered Martyrdom except Aposte John whom they boiled in oil but didn't die,so they exiled him on the Isle of Patmos,off the West.Coast of Turkey and the Continent of Asia,where he wrote the book of Revelations.
This GIFT, isn't an OFFICE and was given by God in Luke 11:49, as the foundation of the New Testment and Ephesians 4:11-for the perfection of the church that's,structured to function on all 5 gifts and not just a few? The word SOME means UNSPECIFIED as generations come and go the GIFTS will automatically replenish until the return of Jesus Christ of Nazerath and the inactivity of all 5 GIFTS not given credence in the body of Jesus Christ, has hindered it's God given potential..
The lack of comprehenension, bondage of organiztion or the unwillingness to accept Gods word, caused the SIN of unbelief, which is an sin unto death (Rev 21:8) and for anyone confessing that Apostles don't exsist today is very dangerous..
Jesus Christ of Nazerath chose his 12 Apostles to jump start the NT church and never said no-one else would be chosen by him to be an Apostle? After Christ ascended into heaven Judas was replaced (Acts 1:26)- Apostle Paul wasn't with the orginal 12 Apostles (Acts 9) or Apostle Barnabas (Acts 14:14) and Romans 16 list more Apostles, including Women Apostles.
Some teach the Apostleship is extinct and has been replaced by Bishops who claim apostolic succession, that's inaccurate and thers's No Scripture of Conformation. However the bible does confirm that Apostles chose both OFFICES for Deacon and Bishop, in order to assist them in the work of Ministry (Acts 6 - I Tim 3). The Apostles are the Governors of the NT church (Eph 2:20). Therefore every Bishop should have an Apostle as their Overseer and not vice versa
AWF is an 21st century Apostles Council to save souls in the church from confessing unbelief in the gift of Apostleship and educating Leadership of it's functions purpose and operations.
Our goal extends to being known among our peers globally, because in the bible true Apostles knew one another and fellowshipped regularly. Were an spiritual hub comprised of all races, nations and organizations, sharing our resources,wisdom and knowledge,for the spiritual advancement the kingdom of God as Iron Sharpens Iron, as we level up!
Write The Vision and Make It Plain!
In 1977 our Founder, Apostle Dr. Nina Hall was given a mandate by the Holy Spirit to find Apostles around the
world and unite them as One Voice, for one of the greatest end-time moves of the God since Azusa Street. He told her the church was malfunctioning because it was operating on only 4 gifts, when
he'd created it to function on FIVE, Ep 4:11. The Apostleship was the first gift given to the new testament church by God in Luke 11:49 and it's Apostolic foundation, in
conjunction with the Prophets with Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, Eph 2:20.
In 1991 she bodly claimed herself as an Apostle revealing her mandate to the church world, at an time when the Apostles were few (especially females), the internet wasn't available, the prophets hadn't emerged and claiming your gift got you ostracized,or labeled as crazy. However her fear of God outweighed the fear of man and she continued searching for Apostles by word of mouth and through the phone directory, sharing the mandate of God with them, in which they all agreed.
After holding Apostles Conventions in Detroit Michigan for 21 years, the holy spirit instructed her in 2011, to take the Movement Global and Apostles hearing the voice of God, traveled from around the world and gathered in an upper room on Simchat Torah, (meaning the reading of the word on the 8th day), at a church known as the "City of David", located on 7 mile Rd and united, they made History, making AWF the first Apostles organization to go global and is currently, the fastest growing fellowship for Apostles in the world!
United States, Africa, Argentina, Australia, Aruba, Asia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, China, Chile, Congo, Dominican Republic, Europe, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopla, France, Germany, Hattie, Hawaii Honduras, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Malaysia, Mozambique, Port Au Prince, Puerto Rico, Philippines, South Africa, Spain, South Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey, Trinidad, Tobago, United Kingdom, Zambabwe, Zambia
There’s a reason why were the fastest growing Apostles Fellowship in the world, were not neophytes and specialize in serving the gift of Apostleship, we understand it’s Legalities,, Operations, Purpose, Functions and bring amalgamation. The Apostles in the bible weren't divided, knew one another, convened regularly and today we should do the same..
Our Convocations and International Conference Calls offers Apostles the opportunity and freedom to fellowship with their peers around the world without limitations, judgement or restraints just like Bishops and Pastors.. We offer a friendly environment of experience seasoned Apostles who comprehend the Gifts, Offices, Know Protocol, Apostolic Order, Sound Doctrine and our diversity of races provides global revelation into the mind of the holy spirit, expanding cognizance as, "Iron Sharpens Iron".
Lifetime Covenant Partners are esteemed highly as Leaders of their own organizations and aren't asked to renounce current affiliations or stand down because of their association, Neither are they ask to pay ridiculous prices to become an affilate with their peers.. As the foundation leaders of the church were not intimated by the holy ghost using others, don't play games of control manipulation
We don't have clicks, respect of persons or operate like a sorority , where your gift has to be voted in by those who deem themselfs greater than God and will only select Apostles according to their own knowleadge and not God s, than make you Pay to Play by demanding thousands of dollars, just to fellowship with your peers? We also won't lie by charging yearly in order to keep a gift that we didn't give!
This lie has is the reason why many leaders have lost their anointing and soul, because they're not the gift giver, God is and our allegiance is to God not men or organizations and our job is to bring Unity and not division
As the governors of the Christian church we don't have gender issues and accept women and men as God's human creation, whom he named Man in Gen 1:26 and gave them both dominion over the earth in Genesis 1:26-27
Not accepting women preachers as equals in the christian church has caused many leaders to be lost in the sin of their unbelief and refusal to accept, that God is no respect of person in Romans 2:11 or in Him, there's neither Male or Female in Christialatians 3:28. As the foundation leaders of the church and saints we must fully accept the bible as truth and can't disregard anything
Those Disputing women can't preach or be Apostles bring dissension to God word, Psalm 68:11, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17-18 and their refusal of divergence jeopardizes not only their soul and others because Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Apostles never taught that women couldn't preach, Luke 2:37, Phil 4:3 and a Woman "Asking a Question" in the bible, isn't called Preaching
God loves everything he created, including women and used them greatly throughout the bible Judges 4:4, Luke 10:2, Phil 4:3, John 1:1, Romans 16. If God wouldn't allow a woman to preach, he'd be a respecter of person and liar
The bible says Mary Magdalene was commissioned by Jesus Christ of Nazareth himself to preach the first gospel message (Mark 16:9) which was: his death, burial and resurrection to his Apostles and diciples and without her obedience, no-one would today would be preaching. the gospel True Apostles comprehend that she was the "First Female Apostle" of the new testament church, fulfilling a promised God made to the devil in Gen 3:15 and Female Apostles are listed in Romans 16:7
Apostle in Greek means ambassador, messenger, an envoy commissioned to carry out the instructions of it's commissioner and for Apostles their commissioner is Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Apostles are the first Gift given to the new testament church by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth Matthew 10:2, Luke 11:42, I Corinthians 12:28
Apostles today still must be chosen by him, Acts 1:24-26,*9. God Said He Gave Gifts and men can only Affirms what he already Confirmed! So those making men Apostles themselves are WRONG!
The bible is the compass of our souls and never said to be an Apostle you must be one of the original 12 Regrettably this epoch is the reason why many are in era and refuse to accept Apostles today. Jesus Christ chose Apostles and Prophets to govern his new testament church, Ephesians 2:20 and the bible is full of Apostles who never walked with Christ, Acts 9:15-16 *14:14 and Romans 16 includes Women Apostles. Apostle Paul definitely wasn’t one of the 12, wrote most of the new testament including the qualifications for Bishops in I Timothy 3, in which all Bishops used to affirm their office. The Gifts are generational and must replenish themselfs because the word SOME in Ephesians 4:11 means an Unspecified number and God's words can never return to him void, Isaiah 55:11
The difference between an Apostle and a Bishop is: An Apostle is a GIFT given by God to govern the new testament church, Luke 11:49, Ephesians 2:20, I Corinthians12:28. The Apostles created the offices of Deacon and Bishop, to ASSIST Them with the work of ministry and not vise versa, Acts 6:6, I Timothy 3, so how could Bishops have authority over them? After the martyrdom of the Apostles, Bishops in rome assumed they were in charge of the church because the Apostles gave them authority to help them
A Bishop is an SELF APPOINTED OFFICE, obtain through Christian living and doesn’t say one must have churches to qualify, this too was added in by man and believed as truth! A Bishop can’t automatically become an Apostle by works or desire because all Apostles are chosen by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, however some Bishops are really Apostles hiding under their bishopric out of fear of rejection by man. When a Bishop or Deacon is Consecrated they should be affirmed by Apostles because this is real biblical order, Acts 6:6
Have you ever notice Jesus Christ of Nazareth never once mention the word Bishop in all of his teachings and before he went to
heaven he didn't tell Bishops to go to Jerusalem and wait, but Apostles, Acts 1:4-9 and it wasn’t Bishops who open up the doors of the church, but the Apostles Acts 2:33- 38 and they didn’t continued
in the doctrine of Bishops, Acts 2: 42-43